'Mmkay- the story begins in april 2013... I was using this other website to post my shizz. It was all going quite well. At first... *lightning* It incessantly crashed, leading to my slow, spiraling descent into madness.
And so now, I'm here:D unfortunately, all the crap I'd posted on my other website is gone *sob* BUT I'm going to maintain it anyways as a sort of pit for all my serious boring portfolio stuff
ooh- and a message to the few of my readers from my other blog, (you rare, beautiful species, you) appologies for the whole "it's vacation, so I'll post tons more!" thing. Oooh what terrible lies. It's been 2 months- please forgive me... honey- where are you going? no don't leave! you can't!!
Anywhoo, will be posting super soon- soon soon- like, tomorrow soon. (...hopefully)