This week was a week full of failed, weird drawings and bad attempts at comedy.
Trying my hand at more digital stuff- I did do works on paper, but they didn't turn out too great/ aren't finished/ are gifts for peoples that I can't post (-just in case of the ocasionnal wandering eye-)
Oh- also, other than Mt Homework, life is going suspiciously well hum hum
Okay you have no idea how long these took me- I'd tell you, but it's embarrassing
I suck at comic drawing. I'll just stick to eating and sleeping instead cos I know I'm good at those
Hey hey!! ahhh, Vacation at last!! (-it's that amazing that i took the extra effort to capitalize it and put it in italics) but yeah- so far its been homework, chilling, teeny bit of painting, and aimlessly wandering around on the internet at unhealthy hours of the night. A lot of scrolling through the sweater section on ebay- but seriously, hOW AMAZING IS THIS SWEATER I MEAN LOOK AT IT JUST words fail me i can't i just
one day you'll be mine
anyways- I should slow down on the whole space/astronaut theme. Someday. Maybe.
OH RIGHT: I found old stuff on the computer from mooooooonths ago that I forgot to re- post
Okay- so:
shoes I painted almost a year ago wow. Bought them white for about 10 bucks when I went to the
states last year (VIVA WALMART REPREZENT Y'ALL) I'm not going to post a
DIY or anything because there are litterally hundreds online, but
let me share some insider tips in case you wanted to make your own
galaxy kicks- stuff I wish I would've known before I made mine:
Use a makeup sponge- blending will be about a billion times
easier/better looking than if you do it with a dish sponge or
paintbrush- ooh and the dryer you keep it, the better
Mix a few different shades of the colours you're using (other than
black, that is)- 3 minimum will do- keep a blob of your color untainted,
add white to one, and add a smidgen of black to another. Apply darkest
to lightest
3) Tape your soles well!! I got paint all over mine hm.
4) For the stars, I used a posca pen and a toothpick+white acrylic. Flicking paint off an old toothbrush would definitely give you more detailed/smaller stars (and now I'm wishing I did it, goshdarn it *shakes fist dramatically*)
Oh right- it's all acrylic btw. plus plus plus: a simple spray varnish will do the trick for keeping it waterproof
Two weeks- again. Because school, life, and excuses. Oh, and embarrassment and a wee bit of guilt because I genuinely feel like I've made nothing worth showing hm. Here- things for your eyes
look!! more CLASSy doodles (get it do you get it do you get my joke get it)
got my thumb on both of these coz I don't understand the concept of putting drawings down on flat surfaces before photographing them
my sneaky tactic to make it look like I'm busy drawing and painting lots of things
( *whispering* psssst hey! so these are actually things I did a while back and that don't look good enough to post separately mwahaha I just took a picture from a little distance, at a slight angle, AND I stacked them in ways to cover the main flaws- bow down to my evil genius, peasants teeheehee kay fine- they still look pretty bad sob)
cliché 'look at what i'm doing photo' spoiler though- the finished product looked bad ah