seriously I will hurt the next person that i hear make that joke
Anyways yes!! I've been busy doing a whole lot of "not enough"- OKAY QUIET NEGATIVE EMILY get over your self deprocation! from here on out, positivity and optimism allons-y!!
RIGHT christmas gifts and secret santa things (cos I'm broke whoops) don't have photos of everything I did but yeh'
-some more detailed things (that have been piling up on my desk for a while) will be finished by next time! so yay to that!
all my doodles lately have been pure ballpoint pen because I've lost every single pecil I've come into contact with wich is a major pain in the butt, but on the happy side it's helped me considerably with linework- at least it feels like it [KIDDING THIS SUCKS WILL BE BUYING PENCILS AS SOON AS I CAN *falls onto floor quivering*] so dramatic pshh
ah that face there up above- mentionning it cos this drawing is borderline plagiarism!! I changed quit a bit of it, but not enough to make it look different oi. It comes from the music video for "Gosst(s)" by Lorn (which has absolutely nothing to do with pizza and will mostly creep you the crap out i am not kidding that song/ video is legitimitely disturbing not that it's bad i like it but it may scar you just don't watch it if creepy things stick with you just don't hold me accountable for your nightmares *inhale* it's cool.)
And TWO songs, because who am I kidding they're both lovely and I don't want either of them to feel left out
right I don't care if you don't listen to a single song on this page, but just click on the one right below this phrase... for me... *bats eyelashes*