YAY I attacked my "serious" website for my artsy things, making it look all fancy pants and stuff (link coming soon), butbutbut yeah- I'm having a lil' crisis if you will, one that has come into existence
geezus crust
I didn't think anybody I knew would ever look at this website and now my self consciousness levels have reached the cosmos because humans that I know have shared this... thing, and thus other humans that I know have seen this... thing, and THEY KNOW gah. (so yeah we might know each other, anonymous reader- hello)
So naturally, I'm hella diffident now because yeah before, I knew nobody was aware of this blog's existence, so I was like *heh chill- this drawing i hate? postit anyways! just to document whatchu do yo* *wooh go cray don't care about what ya write because nobody cares* but now, it's more like *they see- they see all- (do not offend, do not be weird they know everything and they judge)* etc. Yes, I am fully aware that it's °doltish° or whatever for me to suddenly care, but I'm a teenage girl, and that's just what I do what are my hormones doing why am I standing up and heading towards the kitchen I need more chocolate i'll be right back ah
I didn't end up putting any effort into actually embellishing all this in the end, because flipping turtlemittens, I am weird, despite my misleading facade of effortless coolness. But yes, please promise me you won't diagnose me with bipolarity or ADHD or something. I swear, in person, I'm less... this. ("This" btw is the product of stress, sugar, and procrastination, you see yes yes science)
I've been reclusive and boring lately because laziness and school and total lack of motivation to life
Oh yes, something important occured! Amnesty international hosted a lovely fundraising event, and holy stinking stink, they let me participate! Check 'em out if you don't know what they do, because they're basically marvellous individuals who do awesome things to make the world less crappy:) It was my first time having other people actually look at my paintings, and goodness, I was completely unprepared!!
Really though, I was a mess haha having 5 paintings framed the same day as they needed to be hung on the walls? JUST PUT A BIG O'L CHECK IN THAT BOX having to go with presenting a painting that I couldn't even bring myself to look at for a prolonged amount of time (eg. two seconds) CHECK, forgetting to put any contact info anywhere CHEEEECK, aaand include me forgetting my ability to socialize right over there, in that dark corner in my room next to my laptop CHECKITTY CHECK, BABY. Hope you don't mind if i call you baby. Yeah no, scratch that, too weird, i cringed, i withdraw that, let's just remain friends sorry
I try not to complain so much in real life, but yes hi i need people to rant to and you are my victim right now thanks
if you managed to read all of that, here take this complementary virtual coupon for your local psychiatrist's office because dear lord, you're a strong one and i am very sorry that you have subjected yourself to this, seek help
