So buckle up, chaps! This starts NOW (*oh joy!*)

ugh, emily, you disgusting sellout v_v ewww *judgement, judgement, judgement* (sidenote: sorry how FRIGGIN EXPENSIVE this stuff is WOW. The online store thing handles the prices- I'll be looking out for a cheaper host thingy- wish me luck ayy)
photoSHOPPP SHOP shop shopp- so I guess I tried to depict what my face looks like on Mondays. Except this here is a guy. With dreads. Beautiful, beautiful dreads.
flower chick watercolor
murder chick watercolor- please ignore my inability to draw bodies
musician suicide (from aaaaages ago wow) photoshop as well- oh and I found out not too long ago that my brain unintentionally plagiarised that line from the crazy awesome/ weird lyrics from Beck's song "Loser"
random chick doodle with ballpoint pen
Et voila! So that there was the first batch of stuff I posted over a few weeks in no order whatsoever- so you're gonna see recent and old stuff all scrambled into blobs
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